Monday, April 29, 2013

The most inspiring person in the world.

Being a teacher for 15 years, I have met a lot of people:  rich, poor, kind, mean, sad and happy.  I have been blessed to teach in a local public school and private school in my country, and even in an international school in Indonesia.  I am thankful to share with you the most inspiring person I met in my life as a teacher.

I’d like to tell you a story of this one very inspirational person.  So inspiring that people around him feel so lost, sad and weary without him.

When this person was born, his parents never ceased to love him, give him their best love.  If this person gets sick, his parents get so worried that sometimes his parents never sleep until he gets well.

As this person gets older, his parents gets even more inspired knowing that their child is growing up the way they want him to be.

His parents are so inspired to work day and night just to make their child happy and to give their child want he wants.

When his parents saw that he his getting lonely playing alone, they were inspired to give him company by giving him a brother.  A brother to play with him all the time he wants so he will never feel  lonely.

He is also an inspiration to his brother, he mimics the way he speaks, the way he walks even the way he behaves.  He is his brother’s idol. 

When this person started going to school, his parents are even more inspired to attend his school activities, his parents even brag about their child to their family, friends and colleagues.

Then this person gained friends, he became an inspiration to his friends because his friends are happy whenever he is happy, his friends always want to see him smile. 

Whenever this person gets sad, his friends get sad too.  As if they feel the pains that this person is feeling at the moment.

Even his teachers are inspired because of this person.  They always want to give him the best lesson they can give.  They get inspired whenever they see this person listening to class, doing his homework and worksheet.  This child is very inspiring that sometimes his teachers labored until dawn to think of ways on how they can make their lessons easy to understand.

And when needed his teachers would collaborate to this child’s parents and friends just to help him get his marks up or even just to solve his personal worries.

What is amazing about this child is that he doesn’t know how inspiring he is.  How his presence moves people around him.  He always think that he is not special, that he is worthless, he is stupid.

This person is YOU!...  Yes, You!  You are the most inspiring person in this world for those people who love you, who cares for you and who believes in you.  Don’t ever feel that you are nothing, you are useless because you are everything.  Everything that even CHRIST died for you.

Keep being an inspiration to your parents, your brothers and sisters, your friends and your teachers because YOU are the most inspiring person in our lives.

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