Sunday, April 7, 2013

Justice shall prevail!

Leviticus 19:15 
“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.”

I will be hypocrite when I say, I do not have favorites...  I have my favorites.  I have my favorite cologne, favorite dress, favorite person on earth even favorite class.  I have things and people that I look after more than others.  But I try not to show the people around me that I favor them more than others, or I try not to show people that I like them least than the rest.  In that manner, I admit I am hypocrite.

I am not justifying my hypocrisy by my intentions to hide my favor to others.  But if it is the only way that people would prove that I do not favor others more than others then I would choose to be a hypocrite than hurt other people by showing my favor to others and my dislike to others.

One thing that makes me confuse, is at times when I see people favoring others more than others.  I ask myself a question:  is that being a christian?  Is that showing equality?  Is that being just?  When I see people in authority showing great favor to other people, I ask myself again another question:  is it ethical?  Is that being professional?  is that being mature?

In this world full of injustice and favoritism, do I have to fold my arms and accept everything?  Do I just close my eyes and make myself think as if nothing is wrong?  I know I am just an ordinary person, belonging to the minority, to a humble Filipino race, but I have a JUST GOD who sees everything and everyone equally.  He knows what we are all capable of, He knows what we are as a worker, as a friend, a family member, and as a person.

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