Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A teacher's letter

Dear Students,

I know that to you we're monsters, your worst nightmares.  We make your lives hard by giving you too much homework that often times steal your time for doing what you want to do.  But you know what, those homeworks that you do is nothin in comparison to the number of papers we have to check when you and your classmates hand them down to us.  Your 30 mins of homework time is three hours marking time for us.  

We don't just stare on your papers and guess whether to give you a check or an ex, we read your papers carefully, we even think whether your answers are acceptable or not.  So don't get mad when you see a lot of circles in red ink on your papers from your ENGLISH TEACHERS be happy because you know they checked your papers well.  You don't know how many hours they spent just to check COMPOSITION notes, think how many classes your teacher has to mark.  

Don't get angry when your MATH and SCIENCE teachers return your papers a little late because you don't know how much time they spend trying to figure out the workings on your paper, analyzing carefully your HIEROGLYPHIC HANDWRITING and PUZZLE LIKE SOLUTIONS and figuring out which equation comes next just for you to get the marks that you deserve.  

Don't get mad at your teachers when sometimes instead of teaching their subject they preach you things about life because we just can't stand there and pretend that we didn't see your rude actions or hear your foul language. 

Don't even tell us that YOUR PARENTS ARE PAYING FOR US, because you don't know how much sacrifices we do just to be a good teacher to you.

When you are still asleep, we are already awake (some didn't even have time to sleep) preparing ourselves to be available to you, some are even fighting illness just to be present for you, we are already awake making sure we have everything we need for you.

When you are happy having your lunch, we are still working, marking papers or making preparations for you, say a simple program or planning a trip, which often times you ignore, neglect, and comment :  BORING.

When you are busy chatting with your seatmates, our minds are busy thinking how to catch your attention so you can understand what others have already understood because they listened.

When you are comfortably eating with your friends or family, we are shedding our tears thinking about the families we have left back home, thinking whether they are well or not, whether they have eaten or not, or when can we all see each other again or not.

When you are arleady sleeping we are still awake, doing our works for you.  Some are preparing games that you won't even appreciate, lessons that you find boring, visual presentations that you find cheesy, trips that you call lame.  You don't know how much it pains us when all our preparations are wasted because of your lack of appreciation.

When you are happy spending your holidays and weekends out of town we are still at school working, making sure the lessons are all ready for the week, making test, marking papers, reseacrhing for new developments in our subject areas.  We spend weekends at work praying that our sacrifices would in return give good outcomes for you.

So please don't say that YOUR PARENTS ARE PAYING FOR US.  Yes it is a fact that you pay for our wages, but it is also a fact that YOUR PARENTS CANNOT PAY THE DEDICATION AND SACRIFICES THAT WE DO FOR YOU.


A simple appreciation is enough for us.  A simple respect would suffice.  A simple THANK YOU is enough to make us continue what we have vowed for:  that is to be a DEDICATED, HARDWORKING, and LOVING TEACHER to you.


Your teacher

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