Parents nowadays are so concerned on how to tell their kids something without their kids feeling hurt. We beat around the bush before we tell our kids what they did wrong. At school, teachers try not to say "you're answer is wrong" to a child because some say, that will humiliate them and might lowers their self esteem.
But how do we really tell our kids the truth that they were wrong, or this is how they are supposed to do things, or they just simply have to stand up and move their bodies and work.
We don't need to sugar coat the truth to our kids. We just have to tell them what they need to hear. Yes, it can hurt them, it may scare them, it can even break them. But as long as we stay with them as they deal with the truth, they will not fall apart. They will gain wisdom as they try to handle things.
Life can be hard, frustrating, depressing, confusing. It can also be fun, rewarding, encouraging and sweet. They can't experience the latter if they won't experience the first.
They need to learn, not to be pampered. If we want them to be tough and decisive people, we need to show them things as they are.
"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
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