Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Developing our speaking skills.

Nowadays, people are so engrossed with what the digital world offers that their whole being is occupied with viewing videos, reading emails, checking friends' posts, playing their favorite games/apps. Their minds are so busy multitasking by using their eyes, hands and mouth at the same time that they forget what a quality talk means.

Because of these advancements in technologies and development of different apps that allows us to be entertained by ourselves that we forget how to enhance our speaking skills. Because we are not 100% focused to the person in front of us, we miss their important message or reminder, we miss the love that they speak, the pain that they share, the joy they extend, or we forget what word to use for a particular situation. We live fast that we forget how to select the words that we will utter to the people we talk to.

Sometimes, we are given a voice to speak for others, but it doesn't mean that everything that we will speak is beneficial, sometimes how we speak things hurt others, demoralize them or emasculate them. We have forgotten the etiquette of speaking because we are focused on passing on information. We forget that there are proper ways of saying things.

So before we end up in a no talk type of society, let us put down our gadgets, turn off our screens and let us start to really talk with our mouths and not with our hands. We'll find it more relaxing, less annoying/intimidating and we build more understanding and better relationship.

Proverbs 25:11 (ESV) “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

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