Saturday, July 5, 2014

Teacher VS Cheater

Me with the entire school staff together with our International Academic Director
TEACHER is an anagram of CHEATER.

I met this teacher ones, he seemed dedicated and seemed to be really have a lot of improvements in mind.  However, as days go by, I realised that he has this certain characteristic of gaining the students approval and popularity for letting the students do what they want, even if it is wrong and against school rules.  Several times I called his attention about his wrong teaching practice.  However, he didn't seem to bother.  Then I realised that he is cheating from his calling as a teacher.  He is just after the benefits of being "popular and cool" among students.

I also observed in him that he really doesn't care whether some other teachers would look like "monsters" in the sight of the students because these teachings are trying to correct students mistakes.  What he would do is to affirm students' thoughts that those teachers are "uncool" or being so "strict" by telling them he agrees to their woes.

Double standards among students arouse.  Students started hating TEACHERS and liking the CHEATER.

Being a teacher of 15 years, I have come to a realisation about being a teacher and good teaching.  I wish that this could help aspiring teachers.

Good teaching practice is telling your students what they did wrong even if it will hurt them, not neglecting to tell them what they did wrong so that they will not be hurt.  Real teachers are are the ones who are not afraid even if students dislike them as  long they do what is right.  Only people pretending to be real teachers are afraid when students dislike them for doing the right thing.

Cheating practice is when you see students doing the wrong thing yet, you don't call their attention or give them any punishment because you think that you will not look "COOL" in their sight.  With this, you are creating wayward citizens in the future.  Cheating is also when you just want popularity among students even if will make you denounce your sworn duty to be just and fair.

What does the Bible said about correcting mistakes? "Do not hold back discipline from the child, Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die." (Pr. 23:13)

Students wouldn't die if you tell them to be quiet because someone is reporting in front.  Students wouldn't die if you ask them to throw their chewing gums on the bin because it is against school rules. Correcting students' mistakes won't lead to their deaths.  What could lead to death is when you allow them to do bad things thus in turn will develop a habit of wrong doing.  How?  Let us say you caught a student stealing his classmates's pen.  You knew that the student saw you saw him and you didn't correct him nor talk to him and ask him to return the pen.  certainly after quite sometime, that student will repeat that action even when people saw him because in his mind, "it is ok because a teacher didn't tell him that it is wrong."  When he reaches maturity, he might opt to stealing just to get what he wants, might lead to him being caught by the police and he may die trying to escape from them.

If you are an aspiring teacher, think about what you really want to be in the future:  a teacher or a cheater.  Do not be afraid to be unpopular on uncool, but be afraid to be wrongfully cool and unrighteous popular. Remember that what is popular is not always right and what is
right is not always popular.

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