Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Recognition Speech for Batch 2021

 Not over a year ago, all of us have experienced the anxiety of whether we will able to surpass the challenge of distance learning.

Today is our answer to that.  We have proven that though physically apart, we can all accomplish great things, though far away from each other, we can still make friends and fun memories from our virtual school.

COVID is a dreaded disease, but God made sure that our lives go on; He made sure that we have an effective platform to learning, He made sure that everyone will move up with pride that COVID was not able to stop us from schooling.

In the first few weeks of our learning, you may have faced difficulty of turning in homework via email or Edmodo, you may have bad internet connections, and you may have forgotten how to attach file; but this recognition event is best proof that you have overcome them all. Not just overcome if I may say, but you all did it with flying colors.

You do not know how proud we are at school knowing that at a very young age, you were able to accomplish a year online when we, adults were just playing marbles and tag-you’re-it when we were your age.  You deserve this recognition as much as you deserve a two thumbs up because this is a major achievement.

I congratulate you, dear completers for this year’s job-well-done.  You truly are a wonderful creations of God.  I congratulate you for not giving up and for always believing that prayers and hard work pays off. 

Have a restful summer break, because next school year, is another year to put up a fight against the barriers of education.

Congratulations and may you always find pride in your achievements this year.  See you in the next academic year of SSFI’s virtual class.

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