Wednesday, October 14, 2015

An open letter to a discouraged leader

You’re feeling down again? I can tell… You haven’t been eating well, nor you’re having quality time with yourself.
You are thinking again that maybe, just maybe talking to this person in private made things worse because you’ve been seeing post from this person’s friend and you think it is about you? Well, you know what? Let it be. You talked to that person because no one has the authority to talk to the person but you, because you are that person’s superior. And what you did is right. Someone has to tell that person the change he/she is going through is not good. It is not either your problem that he/she interpreted it differently. Truth will come out in the end. And... stop stalking their FB walls!
People don’t listen to you when you give them advise? Relax. Well, the answer is easy; do not expect them to listen to you; remember they are adults and at the end of the day, they will be the one to decide whether they will accept your suggestions or not. Some will believe you, some will doubt you but definitely not everyone will like you. 
Seen zoned? Oh, quit it! Don’t be too paranoid, think that they are just busy, they’ll get back to you. But if they don’t and you really are seen zoned; square your shoulders and move on. It is their loss not yours.
Are you feeling tired? Then relax! You are not a machine, your body needs rest. Eat. But don’t over eat, or else you’d get sick. Walk. if you don’t do running, then walk. It will help you circulate your blood, thus giving your brain more oxygen that will feed your brain with some good thoughts, more likely a solution.
You’re feeling lost? Then go back where you started. Sometimes, you get lost not because you’re doing the wrong thing, but sometimes because you are doing the right thing in the wrong way. Re-route until you find what approach suits your solution.
You’re feeling discouraged? Shake it off! Do not dwell on your failures rather focus on your accomplishments; getting half way there is so much better than not starting anything at all. Keep moving.
Lastly, keep praying. Whatever it is that you are going through right now, surrender it all to God. He sees you. Stand firm. Do not be shaken. He put you there; He will be with you every step of the way. He gave you the challenge, because He knows you can. SO believe in yourself because God believes in you.
And oh! Smile and put that makeup back to your face, I haven’t seen you with a makeup lately. Get dressed and look how handsome you are.
Cheer up! It shall pass.
Someone who just came out of discouragement


  1. Thanks. This is just what I've needed for a long time now.

    1. You are welcome! And never let any discouragements bring you down.
