Thursday, February 8, 2018

Depression is real.

People with depression gets more depressed because too many people want to talk them out, but only few would spend time to listen. Just sit down with them to hold their hand or even hug them to tell them; they're not alone.

But because people are TOO busy to listen, they'd rather talk them out not realizing that they already know it's gonna be OK in the end it's just that what they need is someone who will be there with them until it's OK.

I've been depressed too many times, before I met the Lord, and even now that He has found me. So no one can judge me that I'm just spiritually weak, because to tell you the truth, those who call themselves "believers" were the ones who make me feel I am unworthy, that I am unclean.

The only difference then and now is that now, I know how to block those prying eyes and malicious thoughts about me because I know who to call and talk to whenever my depressions starts lurking around.  I was over those moments when I had to hurt myself or starve myself whenever depression crept in.  I now know how to battle it in a win win situation.

My only weapon during my most depressed moment was that I fear hell; I feared God.  And not many people with depression fear or even know that there is God.  I needed help.  And He gave me one.  Like Hannah, Samuel's mother; I prayed, prayed, prayed and prayed like crazy.  I was so broken that I didn'r care whether people hear my woes or not.

It is not obvious that I have it, because many people with depression know how to put up a show because we're too fed up being with people who talk too much but listen too little.  Those who know me a little would say that I'm a very loud person, jolly and funny, strong and decisive; but those who really know me would say that I am a very lonely person, I cry too easily, very sensitive and would not eat when stressed. I put on a mask of jolliness in front of people who can't see through my pains because I know, they won't spend time to know me.  They can't see my needs. 
You can help us.  We need help.

SPEND TIME with us ... we don't normally talk about how we feel that easy; TAME us and we'll talk. And when we talk, PLEASE LISTEN to understand and not just listen to respond. And when you understand, realize that we are scared, we experience palpitations, panic attacks and paranoia; please HOLD OUR HANDS or HUG us, do something crazy so we can fight them all away. Don't tell us that killing ourselves is not going to solve our problems because believe me, it has crossed our minds several times; we're still here because we're still fighting our depression away. PRAY for and with us, we need it while we're still here, not when we're already gone.

So if you are those who doesn't have it and are too calloused to spot a person who has it; be a little sensitive and observant, you'll never know the person within your circle is already in the verge of taking their lives because no one realizes their needs, no one notices their loneliness.
And if you have it, well... keep fighting. I have fought and is still fighting. Let's fight this together. I am here, you are not alone; message me, call me, email me, come see me; either way... I'll listen.

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