Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Seek Ye First... A testimony of the blessed.

Many young people seem to be in a rush to reach their goals: to be at the top of their league. There is really nothing wrong with this, but unfortunately, only few people will reach the top.

Now do not be discouraged by what I said because it is a fact. Everyone will race, and I tell you, everyone will finish the race but not on the same time, some will finish fast, some will finish late.

First Lap: I was once like the young people before: Idealistic, Narcissistic, career-oriented and ambitious. I wanted to start the race and to finish it fast. So, after my graduation, I wasted no time finding a job. I applied to different schools; with all my enthusiasm, I flaunt my teaching demonstration skills with my all prepared visual aids. The first school I applied at, I wasn’t hired because I am a new graduate and they are only hiring experienced teachers. I must admit, I was hurt because I felt; I wasted my time doing my interviews and demo-teaching.

Did it stop me from running my race? NO! I told myself that it’s just one of the bumps along the road and that bump will not stop me from reaching the finish line. I bounced back though after a day and told myself that I still have a chance in other schools. So, I applied some more and finally I was hired in my first teaching job at Saint Anne’s Catholic High School in Hagonoy, Bulacan. I thought to myself, “I can do this!” I relied on my own skills because I haven’t heard God’s voice yet. Yes, I was able to pull through initially but things started to weigh when I was told that aside from teaching Science, I will also be assigned to teach in KINDERGARTEN. I was hesitant at first because I do not have orientation in teaching in the elementary because I am a secondary Science major. But I told myself, “I will do it!”

My motivation was my nephews and nieces who were are their age. I thought of how I teach them, how I play with them and how I teach them discipline. It worked! I finished the entire school year with new skills gained as a Kinder teacher, a Teatro Sta. Ana club adviser and a new hope that I will be learning more skills to the next school God is sending me in: the public schools.

Second Lap: Working in the public schools was not an easy task. Everything was different. Everything needs to be in order. Of course in my first year of teaching, I experienced a lot of hardships, but it didn’t make me whine. I always took everything as a challenge to accomplish. Call me hypocrite, but it was never hypocrisy on my end that I always take all the assignments given to me as a learning opportunity. I was appointed as (sometimes all in one school year, sometimes one after the other) Science club adviser, guidance coordinator, JS prom coordinator, librarian (believe me, I did) and competition coach. And if it will not surprise you, I was asked to teach, aside from Science, English, and Values Education.

This may be the reason why I got my position now earlier than expected. For me, this was my lap short cut. I did not choose what work my superiors give. Whatever is handed to me, I accepted without grumbling and try to deliver as much as I can in a high quality not just a so-so kind of work.

  Final Lap: When I saw an opportunity to work overseas, I did not hesitate to leave my work in a public school where I felt, I have done more than what I can give. I felt, a progress in my skills will give me more joy than staying in Obando School of Fisheries.

  Do not get me wrong, I owe my position to the people I have worked with in the public schools, from the students, to the office staff, the maintenance people and most of all, to the faculty. To them I got all the skills and attitude that I now use as a head of school.

  Abroad, I did the entire job asked of me with all dedication. As you know Filipinos, we just laugh our disappointments, frustrations and emotional stresses. All the challenges that I faced abroad helped me more to be the kind of leader that a worker like me would love to work with.   In Bina Bangsa School, I knew God deeper and I knew my purpose even more. So when I finally decided to go home, God already entrusted me a school to lead. It is when I secluded myself from the comfort of my family and friends that I was able to hear God calling my name. When I answered His call, He took me by my hand and He started running the race for me. It is when I answered His call to seek Him first that He trusted me to lead.

  When I got my first head of school position, I asked God “what I did to deserve this blessing?” Then God answered me by making me realize how many lunch breaks I missed just to do remedial classes to my students who didn’t get the lesson, the many sleepless nights and missed barkada nights just to meet my deadlines, the many researches that I do just to accomplish the work handed to me, and the tireless service I give to the school I work with.

  So, to sum up my advise to you:

1 Seek God first. Know Him and His purpose to you. This is the most important attitude to see the “shortcut” towards success.
2 Commit your work to the Lord. In everything that you do, commit it for His greater glory. I was once a crammer like you, but when I set aside my work and pray first, time somehow stretched that I wonder how was I able to do all those things in a day?
3 Do not grumble. Grumbling triples your work time. The more you grumble the lesser task you accomplish.
4 Manage your time. Set aside unimportant things and make a plan of what you need to do in a day. Believe me, after I learned the art of managing my time, I start and end my work within the eight hour period. I “rarely” bring work home.
5 Volunteer. It is an attitude of a leader. Never be shy to volunteer yourself for the work. It is always a win-win situation. Why? You learn when you volunteer and your abilities get noticed.
6 Work with quality. When you are given a task, you must make sure that you give your 100% best and deliver with the best quality. Remember that no mediocre worker becomes an achiever.
7 Laugh. Yes laugh! Find joy in what you do. Stressors are far too many to think about: deadlines, difficulties, inadequacies; there are all there. But you can either focus on your stress or enjoy the moment. Nothing happens by coincidence. What stresses you is the result of what you didn’t do. So, if you find yourself getting stressed, or nearing to be stressed, find a funny video on youtube or the website where they put posters of wrong English grammar. You’ll see what a 10 minute laugh can do to you.
8 Be punctual. Never go out of your house without an attitude of punctuality. It is not just being early to a meeting, but more of being early with everything. When you have an attitude of punctuality, you will never miss a single requirement, commitment and you will always be prepared and picture perfect!

Young people… Yes life is a race. But no one is rushing you and no one is also telling you not to be creative and resourceful to find new routes.  It is not also a discouragement if you don't reach the top because not everyone is destined to lead.  You will never know, your greatest achievement maybe the best supporter or follower of your leaders.  Seek Him first and He will tell you the best path to success.  Seek Him first, and He will reveal to you your purpose.  Seek Him first, and He will direct you to your contentment.