Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tailor's Rule.

I have been guilty of one of most common mistakes a man can ever do:  Speaking out of emotions, and the feeling of regret in the end.

A lot of people can agree with me that people most of the time do not think twice before they speak.  They give in to their emotions that they do not realize the outcome of their words.  They speak and speak and speak without them noticing how rude their words have gone, or how much pain they have inflicted to other people.

But why is it really too hard to hold our tongues whenever we are angry?  Why is it too hard to keep our mouth shut and keep our minds open whenever we we feel we are threatened/

The answer is, it is our human nature to defend ourselves.  It is one of the instincts that our "being with the world" taught us.  It is human nature to defend themselves whenever they are faced with criticisms or accusations.  Instead of listening and being rational about the criticisms, people tend to defend their "honor".  So it all ends up in a word fight which no one ever wins.  It all ends up in both parties are hurt by a series of words thrown to each other that penetrates the soul and sticks to the mind.  The worst part is, this could ruin a relationship.  This could even ruin lives and confidence and all the goodness in everything.

How do we correct this?  people should follow one simple rule:  the tailor's rule.  Measure twice, cut only once.  Let us think twice before we speak.  Let us learn to hold our tongues, close our mouths and open our minds.  For all we know, we really are doing something wrong that we don't see for ourselves.  We need to be open to criticisms and look at every comment to us as positive, a way to improve ourselves.  All criticisms, good are bad are not meant to destroy us, they are meant to make us better, wiser and stronger if we stay positive and if we just learn to control our mouths and open our minds.

If we follow the tailor's rule, we won't be making mistakes, we won't be wasting our time and efforts over a petty fight, and we won't be ruining relationships.  Let us remember that words are far greater to inflict pain than physical pains.  Why?  Physical injuries heal fast, but the injury caused by hurtful words can last a lifetime.

The BIBLE also tells us in James 1:19 "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"  It only means that we really ought to practice holding our tongues before we release words out of our mouths.  Learning how to practice the tailor's rule will do us better things than none.  Remember, measure twice, cut once and we will go a long way.

Friday, April 4, 2014

A year of being a school principal

While I was delivering my welcome remarks during the school's foundation day.
I was really very excited the first time I read the email that I got the position of being a school principal.  My heart was really filled with joy that finally I was able to get a job before I leave my work as a Secondary Science teacher in an International School in Indonesia.  I didn't really spoke of the good news to anyone else yet not until the very last minute that I have to leave.

June 21, 2013.  My first day to report at the school were I will work.  I arrived there around 10.15 in the morning, early for my call time of 11 am.  I didn't know what to feel, I was having mix emotions asking myself did I do the right thing of moving back to the Philippines to work in a very far place or not and a feeling of how will they accept me.

I saw the guard, he told me "yes ma'am what do you need?"  I told him "I'm Ms. Racquel, your new principal." he immediately opened the gate for me.  I saw a homey atmosphere, slowly, I felt like I did the right thing.  I met Mr. John Proctor, the acting principal at the time.  He was so elated upon seeing me which puzzled me.  He gave me a quick tour of the school.  There I saw students looking at me as I pass by their classrooms.  Then he took me to his office and had me sign my contract.  I couldn't question him though there were questions I'd like to ask, I was too pre-occupied by the idea that I am now a school principal.

I was enjoying my initial time as a school principal, I enjoyed the admiration from the students and the parents that I am a very young principal.  In my country, everyone is used to having an old, old-fashioned looking principal.  I am an exception.  I'm young and fashionable.  At least that is what people  told me.

Days go bye and the position finally sink in, not to mention the piling of work load.  I have unearthed too many long time illness of the school system:  disorganisation, poor service quality, and a lot more!  I was overwhelmed to the point that I got so short tempered that jeopardised my relationship with my subordinates.

I also had different low moments specially from parents who think they own the school and that they  have all the right to control school management.  This is the worst part of the illness of the school where I am working.  Every parent is a school principal!

Then after a year of being a principal, I reliased that this is not the one I want to do for the rest of my life.  This work is not what will make me happy.  I missed teaching.  being with students is what really makes me happy.  Teaching is what really empowers me as a person and as an educator.

When the school year ended, I took a day out for the very first time and pondered on what transpired for the year.  I reliased that being a principal is just a prestige that I enjoyed for a moment.  I reliased, that being a teacher is what will give me joy for a lifetime.