Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What is in a prom?

What is a prom?  Is it just a regular social event?  Is it just a regular school function that students have to attend?  Or is it something else?

In layman’s term, a promenade is a formal dance; a ballFor your parents, prom night is just a dinner followed by a dance at school. For you, a prom is where you get to wear something formal, a night where you can flaunt your formal side.  For some, it is where they get to wear their first ever night dress or a formal suit.  For others, it is a night where they get to experience their first dance, it is where they get to meet their first love or experience their first heartbreak. But in the eyes of a visionary, a prom is something else.  A prom is a rite of passage; it is an event that no high school student should fail to experience.  It is where dreams of becoming somebody someday begin.

What is in our prom’s theme: red carpet night?  I did not choose the theme because of its glamour, its flamboyance, or its eccentricity.  I chose the red carpet night as a theme for each and every one of you to feel that for me, all of you are a star; stars in your rights worthy to be treated with class and with honor.  For me all of you are the starts that I look up to each night.  You are the stars that I aspire to reach out and hold in my hands.  I chose the theme because I want all of you to feel how it is to be a star so that when you finally able to feel the red carpet, you would aspire to dream bigger than what your dreams are at the moment.  I chose the theme in the hope that one day; you would once again walk on a red carpet with your dreams finally fulfilled.

The red carpet is a symbol of a successful journey, the symbol of triumph. However let us not forget the one true source of our victory, our Lord God almighty. Let us acknowledge him in our every step for it is written “for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.” (Ps. 1:6). Tonight, as you walk on the red carpet, begin your first step towards the realization of your dreams.  Juniors and seniors! Look up and claim your victories, for tonight, you are the stars blessed by the shiniest star in the universe.